
Awesome T-shirt Designs & Illustrations

AJ Dimarucot is an artist specializing in t-shirt graphics. He has design t-shirts for famous people and has won several t-shirt design contests over at


Lovely Illustrations by Sam Nielson

I love all kinds of illustrations. From jawdropping realistic to delightful cartoonish ones, they all got they charm and I just love to share these


Magical Illustrations by Bram Lee

Bram Lee is an illustrator from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. When I first seen his illustrations I felt in love with the style, the smoothness and


Powerful Subversive Illustrations by Dave MacDowell

Don’t be fooled by the colorful happiness of these this paintings. Many of these are totally subversive, and they totally rock. It’s counter-culture illustration at


Stylish Illustrations by Bruno Fujii

Bruno Fujii is a graphic designer and illustrator from São Paulo, Brazil and he was one of our first featured artists here on Abduzeedo. He