
34 Amazing Single-Scrolling page Sites

If you do not have much content, then the single-scrolling page site is just for you. This technique is mostly used in portfolio sites and they are perfect examples, it allows clients to see your content easily and that is what the client needs most. Easy navigation and nice scrolling effects will force the client to say WOW.

In a few words explained what attracted us to these sites. Click on each image if you want to view the site, it will open in a new browser tab.

Bounty Bev

Vectical scrolling, nice layout and colors

Crush + Lovely

Vectical scrolling, simple, clean, nice layout and colors


Horizontal scrolling, simple, interesting navigation, nice colors


Vertical scrolling, simple, clean, interesting icons and colors

Vaniti Claire

Horizontal scrolling, simple, interesting colors

Jessica Genest

Vertical scrolling, simple, clean, great typography and colors

Curious Generation

Vertical scrolling, interesting layout and great colors

Jeroen Homan

Vertical scrolling, simple, nice background and colors, interesting typography

Lucia Soto

Horizontal scrolling, simple, clean, interesting illustrations and colors


Horizontal scrolling, simple, unusual layout, interesting colors

IGN Entertainment

Vertical scrolling, simple, very good layout, interesting colors

Oliver James Gosling

Vertical scrolling, simple, clean, interesting layout and colors

Fat Man Collective

Vertical scrolling, simple, clean, interesting animation of the fat man

Carrot Creative

Horizontal scrolling, wooden background, interesting layout and colors


Vertical scrolling, simple, clean, interesting background and colors


Vertical scrolling, colorful, interesting layout

Legwork Studio

Vertical scrolling, simple, clean, interesting drawings and illustrations

Fajne Chlopaki

Vertical scrolling, simple, clean, interesting typography combination and nice colors

Project 365

Vertical scrolling, simple, clean, interesting drawings and typography

Section Seven

Horizontal scrolling, interesting layout and nice colors

Jiri Tvrdek

Vertical scrolling, nice drawings and colors

Suie Paparude

Horizontal scrolling, interesting layout, nice drawings

Tomas Pojeta

Vertical scrolling, nice drawings and illustrations, nice colors


Vertical scrolling, simple, clean, interesting illustrations and colors

Dean Oakley

Horizontal scrolling, simple, clean, interesting illustrations and colors

Kinetic Shadows

Vertical scrolling, nice layout, interesting drawing and illustration


Vertical scrolling, simple, nice typography and color combination

Indo Folio

Horisontal scrolling, interesting drawing and illustrations, nice colors

Los colores Olvidados

Vertical scrolling, simple, clean layout, nice drawing and nice colors

Jon Brousseau

Vertical scrolling, simple layout, interesting typography

The Great Bearded Reef

Vertical scrolling, simple, nice drawings and illustrations


Vertical scrolling, simple, clean, nice typography

Mutant Labs

Vertical scrolling, nice layout, interesting typography


Vertical scrolling, simple, nice illustration and color combination